Alliance information:
- Status:
- Active
- Name:
- Sparta.
- Short name:
- -0-
- Start date:
- 2011-08-09 00:06:00
- Corporations:
- 4
- Pilots:
- 33
- Alliance website:
- Alliance creator:
- Creator corporation:
- Executor corporation:
- Alliance
- Sparta, by the 4th century BC, was the most powerful nation in all of Greece. Unlike many of the Greek city-states it had only one colony, Taras, and most of its power came from alliances with other regions. Sparta was not an empire: no tribute was paid except in times of war. What Sparta essentially formed was a league, and they chose their allies strategically. For example, Sparta favoured Corinth because of its naval fleet, and indeed Corinth sat on the ithsmus between Attica and the Pelopennese, an important strategical position, seeing as any Infantry invasion would have to go through Corinth. The allies would vow to have the same friends and enemies, follow Sparta wherever they led, and not go to war unless all the allies were in consensus.
Corporation accepted: