Corporation information: Nyx Legion.
- Name:
- Nyx Legion.
- Ticker:
- M0R0S
- Pilots:
- 20
- CEO:
Captain Volchenkov
- Alliance:
Hull Penetration
- Home
- Kisogo VII - State War Academy
- Tax rate:
- 10 %
- Shares:
- 1000
- Corporation website:
- http://
- Corporation
- "I have become death, the destroyer of worlds"
Focused and aggressive PvP corporation focused on making things explode and pissing in your cherios cause we can
Ceo Captain Volchenkov
Lead Military directive
John Coronas I Captain Volchenkov I
Lead Recruitment Directive John Coronas
Recruitment Channel all inquiries here [M0R0S]/Recruitment if someone is not online send them a mail
Lead Industrial Directive- 720mm Howitzer Artillery II
[NYX]- Goddess of night/ shadowy figure [M0R0S]- Doom / Fate the being of impending doom who drives mortal souls to their deadly fate
"The Shadows Will Return"
Remember our fallen brothers and sisters may they rest in peace