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Інформація про корпорацію: Bloodstone Industries

Bloodstone Industries Loading
 Jared Tobin
Saisio VII - Moon 1 - Peace and Order Unit Testing Facilities
10 %
Сайт корпорації:
"Turmoil prior to perfection."
Caldari founded, our multi-racial members are a family: An eclectic spectrum of skilled pilots working together is what makes us whole.
Bloodstone Industries is purportedly one of the largest player-sustained markets maintained in The Forge region for 6 years and counting. We're a unique corporation, reliant on balancing individual and group-oriented work. Manufacturing of ships, weaponry and other common goods is our business.
Our determination and persistence is integral to maintaining our "Bloodstone Market". ALL our items are sold ONLY in one place in the 'Verse:
Saisio VII - Moon 1 - Peace and Order Unit Testing Facilities
Industrially focused, we welcome all determined Ore/Ice miners, skilled security/M-Runner and transport pilots - working with those who believe in mutual communication, selfless participation and a goal in "the greater good".
Full members who assist corporate-based goals (Mining Divisions mainly) are compensated with quarterly variable payrolls when possible. Pilots are free to "do their own thing" (within our membership policies).
We embrace a mutual, symbiotic respect for each other, and when in need, we pull together. We look for like-minded individuals when applications are received. If that's not your cup of tea or pint of beer, we reckon you look elsewhere...
Our Goal: Provide cheaper Jita-alternative prices for all pilots.
Our Info: www.BloodstoneCorp.com
Our Channel: BSI-PUBLIC
Lead Staff:
-Jared Tobin (CEO,Economist,Security Ops)
-Klopps (Mining Foreman,Fuel Manager)
-Mell Anders (Mining Director Advisor)
-Abner G (Aberdeen Research Facilities viceroy)
-Malc2 (Advisory Specialist)
Come. Fly the teeth of the wind. Share our wings...
New members are welcome, however we have grown beyond the point of accepting pilots new to New Eden itself. We can refer new pilots to various new-player corps if needed.
- 44+ days old to receive Freshcut status
- 2.0+ Caldari State standing (Ltd API req'd verification)
- Once a week activity minimum
- Language: English (our Babblefish-tank broke)
- NO neg-sec levels/"pirates"/PvP